Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect during session?
Sessions are offered in-person or virtually (telehealth) and are typically 45-55 minutes , depending on the presenting concerns. I like to do a check in to see how things are going and go from there. My goal is to meet each client where they are based on their individual needs. We may do some exercises to stabilize emotions if needed and continue to walk through the session within a collaborative manner. 

How does Telehealth work? 
We will either meet virtually or on the phone within a hippa- compliant safe and secure platform. Telehealth serves to meet the same needs that are presented within our office visits. I will make sure that we work together to secure your safety in either location so that we can address the areas of concern. 

What should I ask my insurance provider?

  • Are my benefits running on a calendar (Jan-Dec) or fiscal year (July-June)?

  • Is my selected provider (with Harvest of Hope Counseling, PLLC) in-network or out-of-network with the insurance?

  • How much will be the copayment or coinsurance per session?

  • Do I have to meet my deductible before insurance covers the cost?

  • Do I have out-of-network insurance benefits?

    Do I need prior approval from insurance or primary care physician for counseling in-office visits?

Ready to get started?